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Chinese translation for "ground squirrel"

【动物;动物学】黄鼠属 (Citellus) 动物。

Related Translations:
squirrel:  n.【动物;动物学】1.松鼠。2.松鼠毛皮。3.〔美俚〕心理学家。4.威士忌酒。5.怪人,疯子。6.乱开车的人。7.跟屁精〔总是追随在一个小集团之后想成为其一份子的人〕。
squirrel dumplings:  〔美俚〕面条。
flying squirrel:  短语和例子【动物;动物学】1.北美鼯鼠。2.= flying phalanger.
prairie squirrel:  prairie squirrel =prairie dog.
grey squirrel:  灰松鼠 (Sciuru carolinensis) 〔原产于美国〕。
ruddy squirrel:  红松鼠。
squirrel dew:  〔美国〕酒。
squirrel cage:  松鼠笼子;〔比喻〕无目的而又无尽头的调单生活[活动]。
rock squirrel:  【动物;动物学】岩黄鼠;巨松鼠。
tree squirrel:  【动物;动物学】松鼠(属)。
Example Sentences:
1.Sometimes the boys would rout out little ground squirrels and chase them into the bush .
2.Penglly found that ground squirrels from the tundra of alska develop much faster than those from the southwestern united states .
3.A ground squirrel emerges into a field of wildflowers in the canadian rockies
4.Ground squirrels are well suited to survival in the sometimes unforgiving climate of these mountains
5.It is common to see chipmunks , ground squirrels , and various species of birds gathering around camp kitchens
6.Compare the anti - predator strategies of several different species : rat , prairie dog , ground squirrel , meerkat , gazelle or other antelope or deer , and vervet monkey
7.The ground squirrel of southern california both estivates and hibernates . this kind of little animals begin resting in july and sometimes remain this way until the following spring
8.All species of mice have different present frequency during the four seasons : striped hamsters mostly appear in spring , autumn and winter , and ground squirrels in summer
9.The pine tree project has completed extensive environmental impact studies to monitor and protect threatened and endangered species including the desert tortoise and the mojave ground squirrel
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